Thursday 24 September 2009

Big Thanks

Now that the launch/showroom for the Vermin Collection has finally finished off, I've had a bit of time to troll the Internet and do some ego googling...

I've been really lucky thus far with the live CNN interview, and an interview with the lovely Simon Creasey for Juxtapoz Magazine (Coming out next month I believe!!! My first interview in print! AK!).

But I have to say, some of the press that has possibly excited me most has been this article I found on

The moral and ethical "dilemmas" in using/producing taxidermy have been a constant point of interest with many, and a reason for blind uneducated rage amongst many others. It was so encouraging to read such an articulate and supportive article--- especially from an eco/ethical website such as Greenwala. Much thanks to Elizah Leigh --- that really made my day!

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