In Los Angeles I hung out with my friend Jackie... she's this mega tallented fashion designer I know from my days at CSM. We're both "Cali born an' bred" but it was our first time with overlaping time in SoCal, so we had fun hitting up some galleries and (of course) Venice Beach Boardwalk... loves it! Unfortunatly I did not document our excursions...
I did however, follow the advice of Carlos and Trina (thanks so much for getting in touch guys!) and meandered over to the Museum of Jurasic Technology (a must if you're ever in Los Angeles!) as well as Necromance (lots of really cool stuff--- like the Bone Room in Oakland)on Melrose Ave.

Whenever I'm in town I make a point of hitting up the Farmer's Market for the very best doughnuts in the entire world.
Yes. You heard me. They are that good.
The cinnamon sugar cake doughnuts alone are what make life worth living.
Highlight of the trip? Going up Runyan Park for panoramic views of Los Angeles (surprisingly clear day), heading over to the Farmer's Market for a slice at Deano's, and coffee & doughnuts from Bob's... finishing the day with a quick trip to MOCA and the La Brea Tar Pits.
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