Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012! The RP/Encore Studio doesn't officially open back up until Friday, but I have been working away on a number of exciting projects TBA at a later date. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy the following photos of some beautiful skinned pigeons...




Unknown said...

Love the colouring of the second pigeon; what's the plans for them?

Reid Peppard said...

Hey Charlotte, Yes, the second one is really special isn't it? Can't tell you what their for just yet! But stay tuned! Quite a bit will be revealed in the next 6 weeks! ;)

Anonymous said...

Please tell me those were found dead.... 0_0sesized

Reid Peppard said...

Hey Anon!

I only use animals who die from natural or unavoidable causes, so yes! They were found dead!

thanks for getting in touch!xxR